Wednesday, August 19, 2009

It's about time...

By Ellipses

If only the rest of our representatives had discovered their balls sooner...

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Cylinsier said...


Brant said...

Three cheers for Barney. It's about time the Democrats started responding to these people by saying, "Look, you're a dumbass. Go F yourself." Conversation over.

Carlotta said...

I agree with Brant. However, I am really getting tired of the foul language. Rise above the ones you are accusing of being moronic. Have a little more dignity and reserve the bad language to your personal circles and not public forums. I use the "F" word constantly, but not in public forums. It makes our side look bad. We need to embrace basic manners again. It really does help our base.

Cylinsier said...

I hear what you are saying Carlotta but I get the feeling that the younger generations just don't put the same level of taboo on bad words as our parents and grandparents did. We've sort of become accustomed to that thanks to slowly but steadily relaxing FCC rules and the availability of totally uncensored information via the internet 24/7. I don't think my kids or grandkids will bat an eye if Winnie the Pooh calls Tigger a shithead in a future remake of the classic series.

Brant said...

I intended my "F" to stand for flagellate. ;-)